Last week I was in beautiful Virginia Beach presenting marketing workshops for their Library and Volunteer Resources staff. During my trip I caught several fantastic episodes of Matt Lauer's globe trotting adventures on the Today Show. During the Friday enstallment, I heard a few seconds of a car ad in which two men were talking about how quiet the ride was. The one man said to the other, "It's 'library quiet.'" His friend responded in awe and repeated the soundbite, "Really? It's 'library quiet?"
Obviously, these guys (and those involved in creating the ad) haven't been to a libary in a while. Sure, most libraries still have places for quiet reading, study and reseach; but today's libraries are much more than a place where voices are shushed and silence is golden. Virginia Beach Libraries, for example, buzz with interactive programs, lively discussions, festivals, events and a brand new coffee house called, "The Bookmark."
As a matter of fact, the Project for Public Spaces this month, highlighted libraries as "community centers for the 21st Century." The article says, "The creation of the 'information superhighway' threatened to make libraries obsolete, but today they are as prominent as ever. In the latest issue of Making Places, PPS and our partners at the Americans for Libraries Council explore how libraries are redefining themselves"
This type of re-branding and repositioning is critical for public and private agencies wishing to remain relevant and competitive in this dynamic and digital age. Request a free catalog full of great ideas to promote your library or recreation agency.
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