This is one of my favorite topics since I work so often with teens and young adults in my personal life. I live with a teenager and volunteer regularly in his theatre class so I get to see, hear and experience what motivates kids today. While my son and his peers don't represent all young adults, they continually remind me that what worked to motivate me in the 70's and 80's may or may not work today. My sessiona at the Nevada Recreation and Park Association Conference was a great conversation. Here are the slides and additional materials I promised to those who attended. Download Staff 2013
Here is the Customer Care Assessment I promised to post. Use it as part of your interview process. Remember... you can't train personality!
Download Customer Care Assessment
Finally, here's a longer version of the handouts. Let me know if I can help with your upcoming staff training. Either live or via webinar an outside trainer can make a real difference in how your staff hears the message.
Download Hire, Train, Keep Staff
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