When it comes to branding, non-profits can benefit as much as for-profit businesses from a strong and committed branding plan. Many non-profits, public agencies and associations stuggle to build a consistent public image because they don't have a visual brand and tagline which is consistently used to communicate their mission, promise and purpose. Imagine, for example, the Red Cross without the "red cross" or the YMCA without the "Y"?
Branding is a necessary part of any organization's success as is demonstrated by reviewing the most recognized non-profit brands as listed In an article posted on the New York Times online edition. Each of these organziation, not only enjoys uber-strong brand recognizion but also they type of public awareness and financial support that follows.
The top three non-profit brands are the YMCA, The Salvation Army and The United Way. The analysis completed by two international marketing firms intends to show "what a powerful asset a brand can be to a nonprofit, if it is leveraged properly,” according to its authors. Name and brand recognition are extremely important to non-profits looking to increasing everything from membership to sponsorships.
To read see the entire list and learn more about non-profit branding click here.