If you've ever wished you had the time or money to get you, your staff (or even your boss or commissioners) to more CPRS workshops/conferences then here's some news you can use!
The California Park and Recreation Society is proud to announce a brand new monthly training delivered directly to your desktop beginning January 2013.
Registration begins THIS Thursday, November 1; however you can add your name to the interest list by sending an email to [email protected]. Space is limited to the first 40 agencies/people.
Beginning in January 2013 CPRS will offer a monthly webinar series presented by the very best parks and recreation speakers and educators. The impressive faculty includes Mike Shellito, Craig Bronzan, Andre Pichley, Marie Knight, Virginia Chavez, Jim Wheeler, Keith Fulthorp, Chris Chamberlain, BJ Grosvenor, Rosemary Cameron and others.
Topics will include: Leadership, Creativity, Stress and Time Management, Marketing Planning, Social Media Strategies, Outsourcing, , Revenue Development, Staff Motivation, Front-line Customer Service Excellence and so much more.
The webinars will use a "Make and Take" 60 minute format and include CEUs. Each month a different topic will be explored to elevate and keep staff skills sharp without leaving the office! The annual subscription price is for a single Internet access but allows YOU to schedule as many staff as you desire to view/attend the webinar!
The cost to CPRS members or member agencies $199 per year (Introductory Price - breaks down to around $16/month.)
CPRS nonmembers or nonmember agencies $299 per year (if space permits.)
Space is STRICTLY limited to the first 40 people OR agencies who register. CPRS Members and Member Agencies are given a priority registration window. If you are interested, please send an email to Leslie Fritz at [email protected].