I try not to add too much stuff to my delicious account (the bookmarketing service I use to dump all my "I gotta read this later file." Today, after two weeks of nonstop travel and speaking at conferences -- I reviewed some of the articles and sites I've marked over the past few weeks and HAD to share a real gem with you posted at Mashable/Business!
This list, compiled by social networking blogger Peter Kim, who blogs about social computing and marketing, contains 22 social networking tactics (from blogs to wikis) and a couple of companies that are using this tactic really, REALLY well. I promise this list will save you hours and hours of time looking for the best of the best social networking tactics.
I've said it hundreds of times and I'll say it again... The only way to learn about social networking is to spend some dedicated time looking at what others are doing. Spend an hour a week over the next few week exploring Kim's examples as you begin to (or continue to) dabble or dive into social networking as a marketing tool for your park, recreation agency or camp.
If you can't access these sites from work -- grab a sandwich and take a long lunch at your public library which almost, surely, allows free access to the entire Internet (God Bless Libraries and the First Ammendment!).
Here’s a framework of 22 tools to consider with notable brand examples:
1. Blogs (Johnson & Johnson, Delta Air Lines)
2. Bookmarking/Tagging (Adobe(), Kodak)
3. Brand monitoring (Dell, MINI)
4. Content aggregation (Alltop, EMC)
5. Crowdsourcing/Voting (Oracle, Starbucks)
6. Discussion boards and forums (IBM, Mountain Dew)
7. Events and meetups (Molson, Pampers)
8. Mashups (Fidelity Investments, Nike)
9. Microblogging (method, Whole Foods)
10. Online video (Eukanuba, Home Depot)
11. Organization and staffing (Ford, Pepsi)
12. Outreach programs (Nokia, Yum Brands)
13. Photosharing (Rubbermaid, UK Government)
14. Podcasting (Ericsson, McDonalds)
15. Presentation sharing (CapGemini, Daimler AG)
16. Public Relations – social media releases (Avon, Intel)
17. Ratings and reviews (Loblaws, TurboTax)
18. Social networks: applications, fan pages, groups, and personalities (British Airways, Saturn)
19. Sponsorships (Coca-Cola, Whirlpool)
20. Virtual worlds (National Geographic, Toyota)
21. Widgets (Southwest Airlines, Target)
22. Wikis (Second Life, T-Mobile Sidekick)
And use this username check tool to see if your brands/preferred handles are still available.
If you know of Park and Recreation Agencies or Camps that should be added to the list -- please coment below!
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