Hands down! Custom-printed calendars are one of the most functional and cost-effective of all advertising tools. Even in this age of smartphones, Blackberries, Outlook and other electronic calendar systems -- there's nothing like a visual wall calendar when it comes to planning time, recreation activities, sports schedules and events. While you can purchase calendars for as low as low as .25 each, I always recommend a 12 month appointment-style wall calendar with beautiful photos that align with your mission -- Healthy Kids, Going Green and Motivation are this year's favorites. Click here to page through an online catalog where you can explore over 100 different calendar themes and styles -- all with GUARANTEED INVENTORY through the end of the year.
The Farmer's Almanac first published in 1818 was the very first promotional product making calendars the original ad specialty. These classic promotional power-tools have stood the test of time AND technology for good reason -- they are a necessity in the office and at home. But don't take my word for it; here are some statistics, based on an independent study conducted by the Calendar Marketing Association, that will further convince you that, when looking for a place to put your logo, web address and contact information -- nothing beats wall calendars.
- 83% of customers purchase products or services from the company that gave them their calendar. And 94% of calendar recipients can recall the advertising message on their calendar.
- The average person working in an office looks at a calendar 12 times a day. Multiply that by 5 business days a week and then by 50 weeks a year. That's 3000 ad impressions a year!
- At home the average family views their calendar about 5 times per day. When multiplies by 7 days per week, 365 days a year and your message will be seen (wait, I need to grab my calculator) well over 12,000 times each year.
Think about all of the time, energy, money and paper used in the attempt to get your brochures or flyers in front of your customers throughout the year... compare that to the annual cost of keeping a calendar in front of key contacts day in and day out!
By getting a calendar on the walls of your customers, volunteers, gatekeepers (teachers, real estate agents, doctor's/dentist's offices, etc) you are getting priceless exposure for a teeny tiny price.
One of the best things about calendar marketing is your ability to order very small quantities. Think of 100 people who most influence you customers -- AKA gatekeepers. These might be teachers, school nurses, pediatricians, real estate agents, coaches, sponsors, the list goes on and on. Choose as few as 100 of these influencers. Order 100 imprinted calendars with your web address, logo, tagline or call to action and send or deliver these useful gifts to these gatekeepers. You can even attach a Holiday Letter to the front of the calendar with a special offer, coupon or invitation.Not only will your calendar be viewed as a kind holiday greeting, but it will hang around for an entire year! But, like all good things -- the window closes on this marketing opportunity. The best time to give calendars is NOW through the end of January. So contact Andy right away and he'll get your order processed right away -- in plenty of time for year-end delivery.
Special Offer for my Blog Readers - When you contact Andy, mention that you're a blog reader and we will pay for your shipping! FREE shipping,big exposure, little price -- it's a perfect year-end promotion! But call NOW - 800-IADVISU - (800-423-8478)!