Rarely do I use my blog as a place to blatantly and boldly promote the promotional products side of my business, but sometimes I see deals that are just too good NOT to share. Every day I receive dozens of ads from my suppliers (people who imprint everything from t-shirts and totes to hand sanitizer and helium balloons) explaining that they are ready and willing to bargain; some are offering savings up to 80%! Many have overstocked warehouses full of everything from pens and water bottles to bags and backpacks and must be cleared for goods (probably ordered a year ago) that are ready for delivery.
I've been in the advertising specialty business since the 70's (YES, I did start as a child) and I don't remember EVER seeing prices as low as these for staple items like:
really nice pens - like these three sided sided pens for 19 cents (that's 500 imprinted pens for $100!) Price luggage/bag tags for 75 cents (put these on daypacks to easily differentiate one from another; require traveling campers to use on lugguge) padfolios and CD/DVD Cases for under two bucks carabiner keytag/bottle openers - .99 (that's half off!)
includes all THREE sides of printing. At these prices, colors are limited so call today for options. 800-IADVISU (800-423-8478)
There are also lots of unique and novel items, too! (check out the "bubba kegs" in the shape of soccer and footballs; insulated drawstring backpacks perfect for day camps, canteens and safety.
But -- when I say -- call us now if you're interested in these great prices -- I really mean it. Because, when they're gone they're gone (that's kind of the point.) We have a special promo code that we can offer to any of our customers, group members or blog readers. And, if you're a little busy getting ready for camp (gotta love that little red sarcasm) and don't have time to figure out what you want or need for upcoming events CALL US. It doesn't cost anything to brainstorm for goodness sakes AND we'll even get you FREE SAMPLES to help you decide.
Here are some of the upcoming activities that you need to order for:
Staff Training and Orientation
Community Festivals and Camp Fairs
Pens Lip balm Hand sanitizer -- a must with the flu scare Sunscreen Packets- Protecying Your Child From a Boring Summer Canteen Items (Finally, prices are low enough so that you can keep prices low enough for campers AND make the profits you deserve!)
Call ANDY at 800-IADVISU (800-423-8478) and we'll do all the work for you! We'll even get you free samples, help get your artwork ready for production and make sure everything is delivered on time, every time.
I know times are tough which is all the more reason you should invest in marketing tools that have the lasting and long term memorability of these promotional items. Spend the money to add your brand to items you use every day and throughout the year and people will think of you when it's time for fun.