Each year I look forward to the Illinois Park and Recreation Association/Illinois Association of Park District's Annual Conference. As a professional speaker, this mid-January conference often is the first of the calendar year. Following this conference, my travel schedule shifts into high gear and I'm on the road non stop well beyond the long-anticiapted spring thway (have no fear, Illinois, -- there WILL be a spring thaw.)
I always find the Illinois park and recreation professionals to be on the cutting edge of the promotions and marketing. Each year I enjoy the challenge of developing brand new programs to spark and stimulate lively discussions and ideas. I hope I exceeded your expectations and am happy to share the handouts from my three sessions at this year's event.
Download cutting_edge_marketing_2008a.doc
Download talkin_bout_my_generations_2008.doc
Download five_minute_marketing.doc
I also want to remind you that, if you'd like to bring some top-notch training to your staff this year -- do I have a deal for you!
While I love speaking at conferences, I adore working with individual districts and departments to bring a fresh marketing and customer-centered approach to the entire organization. My trainings are not just for marketers -- rather they are targeted for everyone on your team -- from front-line staff to programmers and administrators -- helping everyone better understand their role in the overall marketing process. My objective, as a trainer, is to get everyone on your team to focus on the same goal -- getting and keeping satisfied, loyal customers -- for life.
If you want to learn more (especially how you can save up to 25% off my very reasonable fees -- click here...
If you want to take action and get your marketing on a fresh new track -- send me an email and I'll answer all your questions (like when, how much, etc.)